Friday, January 21, 2011

The Many Benefits of 3D Character Design and People Modeling.

Recently it was reported that James Cameron's mega hit movie Avatar became the highest grossing film of all time with a worldwide haul of over $1.9 billion. The movie is sure to break a number of box office records before all is said and done. But beyond the numbers and the accolades, Avatar offers audiences something far more intriguing: a look into the future of cinema.
For those who have not seen the film (and there aren't many), it utilizes cutting-edge 3D animation technology to create 3d character Design of live actors and actresses. But as innovative and impressive as this new technology is, Avatar is not the first film to use 3d people or characters.
Early nineteen-eighties films like Tron and the Last Starfighter used computer generated 3D character models to create short sequences in both films. But the cost of these models was quite steep, so movie studios were apprehensive about investing in 3d characters or animation for several years.
The great leap forward in 3D animation came in 1995 with the release of the first full length computer animated feature film Toy Story. The movie was a world-wide hit as it went on to earn over 360 million dollars. But what impressed studio executives even more than the box office receipts was the fact that the film had been completed on a budget of only 30 million dollars. Finally the technology had become cost effective, and from that day forward movie studios were, understandably, far more receptive to projects that utilized 3D animation technology.
In fact, Toy Story was followed by a number of full length films that featured 3d people and characters, most of which were hits. There was, of course, the predictable sequel, Toy Story 2, the massive Shrek films, Final Fantasy, and now Avatar.
What has Hollywood learned? To begin with, they have learned that 3D animation technology is not only extremely popular, but also fairly inexpensive when compared with other big studio films. They have also discovered that the appeal of pictures that use 3d people is nearly universal, i.e., both adults and children are fascinated by them.
But while it might be true that Hollywood has shown this technology to the world, 3D animation has actually been used in a number of different industries for years now. From video games to product simulations to fly-through animations, 3D modeling can add accuracy and realism to almost any presentation.
The process has become extremely popular in business where it is used to create 3D corporate logos, product simulations, as well as sales and product presentations.
What are the benefits? Since 3D models can be viewed from any angle and can be created to accurately reflect real colors and surfaces and even motions, they are ideal for presenting technical information to the layperson. And when you consider the fact that 3D models can be created in about the same time it takes to produce a simple, uninspiring line drawing, it is no wonder why companies have embraced this "new" technology.
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